Happy PRIDE: Remembering LGBTQ History!

Luke Keeler
1 min readJul 13, 2020
Happy PRIDE: Remembering LGBTQ History!

Happy PRIDE: Remembering LGBTQ History!

The world has completely changed due to COVID-19 and that includes the lack of Pride celebrations throughout the summer Pride months, but you can still have Pride in yourself and educate others about LGBTQ history! Take some time to learn about it by watching two Netflix documentaries focusing on the transgender community which has faced a lot of discrimination and continues to face a lot of discrimination in the world we live in.

Never stop learning, educate yourself and always be kind to others! Life is hard so treat others with respect and dignity, just like you would like to be treated! To watch video clips of each of these documentaries, visit Remembering LGBTQ History.

— Luke Keeler



Luke Keeler

Exploring the world, experiencing cultures & sharing the #TreasuresOfTraveling with you through photos & stories! 🌍📷🌎🎥🌏 www.treasuresoftraveling.com